Co-PI: Hong Kong RECAP A Systematic Response Strategy for Novel Infectious Disease Pandemic 2021 - 2024

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted public health and global economy. With many countries struggling with healthcare systems being overloaded by patients and reaching breaking points, it not only highlighted the importance of efficient and prompt response but also the need for strategic and long-term planning of healthcare systems and system-wide preparation to face such extreme cases. With local and national situations changing rapidly due to the unprecedented rate of spread, many hospitals are forced to make daily decisions on how to allocate their limited capacity (e.g., beds, ventilators, and medical staff) and manage patient flow within and across hospitals. We aim to develop a systematic data-driven response strategy to Novel Infectious Disease (NID) outbreaks: REsource allocation and CApacity Planning (RECAP). The strategy has both short term and long term benefits for heathcare institution administrators and policy makers in the fight against NIDs.

Huiyin Ouyang
Huiyin Ouyang
Assistant Professor of Operations Management

My research interests include stochastic modeling and analysis of service systems, healthcare operations, simulation analytics, and data-driven decision making.
